
Perception and reality – these are the true subjects of my photographs. Understanding, as Minor White taught, that each photograph is a mirror into the photographer’s mind, I use the tool of my camera to explore the medium of light. Light, through color and form, create an impression of the object in front of me; however, my goal lies beyond literal representation of the scene. Rather, I seek to share my perception of the reality that lies beyond the surface – a metaphor for something deeper.

Flannery O’Conner writes, “The artist penetrates the concrete world in order to find at its depths the image of its source, the image of ultimate reality.” But it is first manifested in concrete-ness. While my work focuses on the landscape it is not about the landscape. Standing before the scene, the trees vanish and I perceive light and color and form. The work becomes a visual puzzle – begging the viewer to stop and contemplate and respond.